Xi, X., Shea, C., & Li, P. (2025, June). A longitudinal study of perception and production of L2 Spanish stops and the role of
individual differences. Poster presentation at The 6th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2025). Balearic Islands (Spain): June 25-27.
Li, P., Martin, C., & Xi, X. (2025, June). Mandarin speakers’
development of L2 Spanish lexical stress perception and production in a one-year
study abroad program. Poster presentation at The 6th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe (PaPE 2025). Balearic Islands (Spain): June 25-27.
Li, P., Martin, C., & Xi, X. (2025, June). The effects of study abroad on L2 lexical stress learning: a longitudinal study. Poster presentation at The 15th International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB15). Donostia-San Sebastián (Spain): June 9-13.
Invited talks
Xi, X. (2024, July). Eye-Tracking Technology in Second Language Acquisition Research. Eye-Tracking Technology Workshop. Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing (China): July 2-3.
Oral presentations
Li, P., Xi, X. , & Gao, S. (2024, November). Multimodal
phonetic training in CFL classroom: using pitch gestures for teaching Mandarin
Tone 3 sandhi. 中国语音教学研究国际研讨会. Chongqing (China): November 1-4.
Li, P. & Xi, X. (2024, July). The perception of Spanish lexical stress by proficient Mandarin learners of Spanish. Speech Prosody 2024 (SP2024). Leiden (the Netherlands): July 2-5.
Xi, X., Zhou, S., & Li, P. (2024, July). Exploring the role of duration as a prosodic marker for contextual factors in the production of Mandarin positive polar questions. Speech Prosody 2024 (SP2024). Leiden (the Netherlands): July 2-5.
Xi, X., Li, P., & Prieto, P. (2023, August). Does visuospatial working memory predict L2 perceptual learning from phonetic training with hand gestures? The 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2023). Prague (Czech Republic): August 7-11. [IPA student award]
Li, P. & Xi, X. (2023, August). Nuclear contours of Spanish echo questions produced by proficient Chinese learners of Spanish: A dynamic analysis. The 20th International Congress of the Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS 2023). Prague (Czech Republic): August 7-11. [Gösta Bruce Scholarship]
Xi, X., Li, P., Baills, F., & Prieto, P. (2021, July). Hand gestures facilitate the acquisition of novel phonemic contrasts when adequately encoding target articulatory features. The 30th Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA 30). University of Barcelona: Barcelona (Spain): June 30 - July 3.
Li, P., Xi, X., Baills, F., & Prieto, P. (2021, July). Actively producing hand gestures mimicking articulatoy features favors the long-term acquisition of novel words containing those features. The 30th Conference of the European Second Language Association (EuroSLA 30). University of Barcelona: Barcelona (Spain): June 30 - July 3.
Xi, X., Li, P., Baills, F., & Prieto, P. (2020, September). Training the pronunciation of L2 novel phonetic features: a comparison of observing versus producing hand gestures. The 7th Gesture and Speech in Interaction (GeSpIn 2020). KTH Royal Institute of Technology: Stockholm (Sweden): September 7-9.
Li, P., Xi, X., Baills, F., & Prieto, P. (2020, September). Appropriately performing hand gestures cueing phonetic features facilitates simultaneous speech imitation in an L2. The 7th Gesture and Speech in Interaction Conference (GeSpIn 2020). KTH Royal Institute of Technology: Stockholm (Sweden): September 7-9.