Xiaotong Xi

Journal articles

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How do tonal L1 speakers produce intonation for statements and questions in non-tonal L2, considering the lexical-prosody interplay?
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Li, P. & Xi, X. (2024). Nuclear contours of Spanish statements and questions produced by Mandarin speakers with advanced Spanish proficiency. Phonica, 20, 1–26. 
doi: ​10.1344/phonica2024.20.3

Hand gestures that mimic the mouth shape, as opposed to the tongue position, can help the L2 sound production.
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Xi, X., Li, P., & Prieto, P. (2024). Improving L2 vowel production with hand gestures encoding visible articulation: Evidence from picture-naming and paragraph-reading tasks. Language Learning, 74(4), 884–916.
doi: 10.1111/lang.12647

Using hands to touch the tip of the tongue can help the production of L2 English /θ/ and /ð/.
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Ozakin, A. S., Xi, X., Li, P., & Prieto, P. (2023). Thanks or tanks: training with tactile cues improves learners' accuracy of English interdental consonants in an oral reading task. Language Learning and Development, 19(4), 404–419.
doi: 10.1080/15475441.2022.2107522

Learners who are able to accurately produce hand gestures can improve more on L2 stop production.
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Li, P., Xi, X., Baills, F., & Prieto, P. (2021). Training non-native aspirated plosives with hand gestures: learners' gesture performance matters. Language Cognition and Neuroscience, 36(10), 1313–1328. 
doi: 10.1080/23273798.2021.1937663

Observing hand gestures that are congruent to the phonetic features of target L2 sounds can help learning.
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Xi, X., Li, P., Baills, F., & Prieto, P. (2020). Hand gestures facilitate the acquisition of novel phonemic contrasts when they appropriately mimic target phonetic features. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63(11), 3571–3585.
doi: 10.1044/2020_JSLHR-20-00084

Conference proceedings

Book chapters